fall/winter skin care routine for oily skin
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So before we start, I want to note that I have oily skin. I’m not acne-prone, but I may break out right before my period, and of-course, if I’m lazy with washing my face at night. I’m also not a skin expert or esthetician, but this is just what works for me.
With the changes in the season comes changes in what my skin needs. So now is a great time for an updated skin care routine. This is a little different from my summer skin care routine, but a few of the key products are the same.
I know….Establishing a skin care routine can be daunting, but once you find the right groove, I promise, it’ll be all worth it.
First, I double cleanse any time I have makeup or sunscreen on using an oil cleanser first, then a gel or foam cleanser next.
Second, I use an alcohol-free toner. If you have oily skin, I know you’re tempted to use something that’ll dry your face out a bit, but don’t do it. Your face will end up producing more oil, and you’ll want to kick yourself for it. Just trust me!
Next, I use a serum that targets a specific problem I want to address on my skin. They can be expensive, but once you find one that works for your skin, you’re golden.
Then, I moisturize. During the day, I use a moisturizer that includes sunscreen, even if I’m staying home. Glass windows still let in certain kinds of UV rays that can damage your skin and still cause skin cancer. At night, I use a gel moisturizer. They don’t have any added oil, and are usually water based and absorb easier and faster onto your skin. Game changer!
Every 2-3 days, I exfoliate with a chemical or mild exfoliator with salicylic acid. It works really well, especially if you’re breaking out, and does a great job at stopping it early.
At least once a week, I use a mud, clay, or charcoal mask. One of the things I hate the most about having oily skin is that my pores get clogged easily and often. These masks help unclog pores, can mattify the overall look of oily skin.
iS Clinical Active Serum (*expensive AF but it’s changed my life)
use a gel or foaming cleanser, instead of a cream cleanser.
Gel and foaming cleansers are amazing for oily or acne prone skin! They help with oil and sebum production in the skin, and a better job (in my opinion) to get deep into your pores to get help the gunk out without over-drying your skin.
throw away your makeup wipes, and start double cleansing.
No shade, but why are we still using those same Neutrogena makeup cleansing wipes from high school? And real talk, makeup wipes don’t actually clean your skin. I’m sure they have some benefit, but I’ve found that double cleansing is the best way to remove makeup without over-drying my skin. Start with an oil cleanser like this, and then a gentle gel or foaming cleanser. Your skin will thank you!
try out a chemical exfoliant with salicylic acid.
Salicylic acid is much better than using a facial scrub, because there is actually no scrubbing involved. Over-scrubbing your face can lead to skin irritation, especially if you’re acne prone. CeraVe has an amazing exfoliating cleanser that I’d recommend!
stop touching your face.
Believe it or not, a lot of your skin issues may stem from touching your face too much. And I won’t start on how dirty your phone is when you put it to your actual face multiple times a day. It can also increase the risk of infection with flu, colds, and Covid-19.
don’t forget to drink your water!
I mean.. this tip is for you AND me. let’s do better together <3